HexGenzo (Gen0)
The Dematerialised

Supply: 1121 / 1212

HexGenzo marks the migration to a new era, where the iconic hexagon flows to a new sphere without any but liquid boarders.

After the iconic HexJerzo in 2020, this piece is closing a circle and removing any boundaries for a liquefied future.

Designed by Schirin Negahbani for The Dematerialised

Available On:
chainId-22Lukso L14
Token details
Tokens MintedTotal: 1212
  • Blockchain:
How To Use
Once you have invested in your digital look, it’s time to build out your digital wardrobe and display your collection to others. Universal Profile (part of LUKSO) is the easy-to-use and secure space to store and showcase your virtual goods to the world.
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