Tribute Brand

Supply: 0 / 100

Available On
real transparency

IDE CYBER DRESS, visually devoid from its predecessor silhouette that was determined by the functional aspect of clothing. What remains is fashion alone, unconditioned by anything: the fashion is liberated and is transcended onto a new level.The buyer will be able to wear it as real-time AR skin through the YCY app. YOUR NFT INCLUDES THE 3D AND AR FILE OF THE DIGITAL DRESS AND LIFETIME ACCESS TO WEAR THE DRESS IN AR IN TRIBUTE BRANDS' APP.

Token details
    Tokens MintedTotal: 100

  • Blockchain:
How To Use
Once you have invested in your NFT it’s time to build out your digital wardrobe and display your collection to others. Universal Profile (part of LUKSO) is the easy-to-use and secure space to store and showcase your virtual goods to the world.
Real Transparency
Digital designers from Tribute Brand collaborated on the creation of this virtual garment.